Today I managed a trick I’ve long wanted. I’ve abolished www from all URLs, without breaking the ‘pretty’ URLs I use for wordpress blogs. The trick was to have multiple .htaccess files, and actually spend some time understanding what mod_rewrite can do for me. There should be no public impact (other than you don’t need to type www. anymore on this site) – all the old www based URLs will redirect to their new homes.  Any breakage, let me know!Â
It’s taken a while, but yesterday I made it round the local loop I’m using twice in a row. Progress! Greetings if you’re reading from Symbian. Perhaps I’ll see you tonight?Â
2007 Photos
 My photo album for 2007 is now live. As usual, I’ve removed images of people who don’t appear on the web elsewhere. The rise of flickr and the like means there are more people here!