
Track Plan

Track Plan

Looking at the shunting puzzles site, and the collection of track I had, I realised I had enough bits to build a Timesaver, but it looked very complex for a layout I wanted to finish quickly. Therefore I decided to use Inglenook sidings as my base. Looking at the 2 pieces of foamboard I wanted to use to build the baseboard, butting them together would create a 1680mm length that would be easy enough to manoeuvre around the house (for storage, etc).

I wanted the layout to look relatively modern, so I wanted to use longer wheelbase wagons than the very shortest found on British railways. If I wanted the 5/3/3 proportions of the classic Inglenook plan, I needed to allow 8 wagon slots and one loco slot within my 1680mm length. After allowing for the classic BR class 08 shunter, pointwork and buffers, that meant an average wagon length of 143mm – big enough for long wheelbase modern wagons in 4mm scale.

I added the kickback siding with a fuel depot to the ‘classic’ plan, as many others do, to add more visual interest. I realised later that by using 2 locos I could shunt a tank wagon in occasionally to fill up the fuel tanks, for more operational options.

The final board ended up at 1685mm because my trackwork overhung by a millimetre or so (sloppy work on my part), and a shim was needed to allow me to fit a fascia.


Shunting Puzzles

One problem that I have with model railways is that I find operating them is not as much fun as building them. Once built, a lot of layouts seem to become processions of trains, with lots of similar movements for the operators to replicate. Twinned with this is the problem that complex layouts take years of part time work to finish – so they often feel like they will never be complete. I’ve had several starts at building layouts, and none have progressed well. They can seem uninteresting to operate after the track has gone down, or never seem worth getting stuck in – progress is hard to see toward the ‘finished’ goal.

Small layouts fix one of these problems – it is easy to see how to get a simple layout to a finished state – but I’ve never really appreciated that they could solve the first as well. A recent discovery was the ‘Micro Layouts’ website by Carl Arendt which contained many inspiring small layouts. Often good looking, the bold claim was made that many were interesting to operate too. Two plans stand out, and even have their own website maintained by Alan Wymann. Ingelnook Sidings and Timesaver are not new, and both present a shunting game to the operator. Wagons are placed on the layout in a starting position, and the game is to move them to randomly assigned end positions. Each plan limits carefully the lengths of the sidings, to make the puzzle harder to solve. This makes them unlike the real railway (which is engineered for ease of operation), but it makes them more compact and more interesting for the model maker.

How I’d spent around 20 years reading the model railway press, and missing the significance of these two plans is amazing. Perhaps it was simply the lovely presentation on the web – you can even try them out – that got me to notice them this time.

One other feature I liked is that they don’t require a fiddle yard, and lots of manual handling of the stock on-and-off the layout. They both run self contained, and with automatic couplers, completely hands off.


Starting point

Over the years I’ve been meaning to start a layout, and I’ve acquired a few useful bits:

  • 2 A2 sized pieces of 5mm foam board.
  • Some Knightwing kits for portacabins, fuel depots and so on.
  • A Bachmann 25 in BR blue – the first DCC ready loco I was aware of.
  • A selection of medium radius Peco code 100 streamline points, with solenoid switches.
  • Some matching flexitrack.
  • Figures, suitable for a BR corporate image era layout.
  • Souvenir wagons from my travels (so from Japan, France, Germany and so on).
  • The wagons, locos and track from the late 80’s when I was using model railways more as a toy.

And finally, the spark to my recent restart – the Hornby Pendolino DCC train set.

What I wanted to do is build a layout that re-uses as much of this as I can, so that it doesn’t end up costing a huge amount.