I’m off to visit the Epsom club’s show. Some good layouts to see, and a fair number of my area group to catch up with.
Author: John
A MERG DCC Controller
I want to explore the options that present themselves when lots of my layout wiring is digital. Step one is to drive trains via a PC.
MERG have a set of kits for a system designed around the CAN bus. This is the ‘DCC command station’ and a USB to CAN interface module. The loco lurking in the background moved under the power of this system earlier tonight.
Now I want to build a handset so that the computer is optional. The kit MERG have will mean I need to get the knack of surface mount soldering by hand.
This also means JMRI is installed on my PC again. It’s nice to see how much that has updated recently!
Yesterday, I was pleased to see an article I wrote a few months ago make it into print:
Earlier this year, Paul Willis approached me to write this up, having seen the similar article I had written for the Scalefour societies newsletter. I was honoured to think something I was up to was worthy of MRJ, which is a magazine that sets an incredibly high standard for the models it features.
I don’t think Tornado will be ready for Scaleforum (this year), as I hoped when I wrote the piece, but progress is continuing!
Thank you Paul, and all involved in MRJ, for publishing my work! I’m very pleased with the result.