
Micheldever Fuel Storage Depot

It seems I’m not the only person who finds the Micheldever fuel depot interesting. Since my last post on the topic, there have been several people who have documented explorations of the site.

It seems it was last in use in 1995, which would tie with my memories of it seeming active while I was at university (1992-1996).

Anyway, lets start with a historical pic from Subterranea Britannica:

And then some more recent explorations @ 28dayslater:

These all look like great sources of info and inspiration!


Victorian Modelmaking

Not my own work today, but some inspiration from the Science Museum.

This diorama really caught my eye. For size, the ‘room’ these model tools are in is around 30-40cm high.


Class 20 rewheel

Popham Depot is sized to be at least a little different from a shunting loco + coal wagons minimum space exercise. As motive power, I have dimensioned the layout for the Bachmann Class 20 I have.

Last weekend I finally finished the job of rewheeling it for P4. I had dropped in the ultrascale wheelsets some time ago, but had been foxed by the brake rodding which fouled the new, wider, wheelsets.

With a bit more modelling under my belt now, a quick bit of surgery with a sharp knife removed the moulded on rods, and I replaced them with some thin plasticard. 20 seconds with some black paint, and a viewer is none the wiser…


As things stand, it’s really the same model that came out of Bachmann’s packaging. Next phase is to research a real loco, and detail this one to resemble it.